Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Speak to my heart, touch my soul and kiss my thoughts 
Reassure me that everything is going to be ok 
Remember you promises, the one You made in You Word 
Whisper in my ear, speak to me, comfort me 
The stress is trying to take over 
Fear s speaking profane words in my ear 
They speak so loud, it’s crystal clear 
They try to sway me, my mind questions but fails to rebuke 
My heart closes and refuses to open to even try and hear you 
My ears have become deaf because I have soaked in lies and deceit 
Just like a sponge 

Speak to my heart Lord, open my ears and mend my broken heart 
Mans words are fallible, as they say, maybe I’ve made them infallible 
Believing all they say, worst of all accepting all they say 
At least, it’s a matter of fact that your behaviour determines who you are 
Failure is a characteristic of which I don’t want to possess but the exams of life feel as though they have been built against me 
They come with full vengeance, seeking my downfall 
Doubt and fail both come hand in hand 
Rebuke them! Rebuke them! Rebuke them! 
Are my rebukes just not strong enough? They always seem to come harder 
Maybe I’m just not strong enough 

Speak to my heart Father, wipe away my tears and fix this life that I’m living 
Stand up and vindicate me in the midst of those who lie about me 
Teach me how to love those who hate me 
Love me in a way no man can or maybe I’m not worthy 
Maybe I should just accept my fate and just hope for better 
Or maybe I should just trust You 
Stand tall in the midst of my trouble and believe in You wholeheartedly 
That way id be able to hear your sweet, solemn voice 
That way failure, doubt and all that comes with darkness will flee from me 
That way I’ll live a life acceptable unto You and receive the reward of heaven 
My tongue shall sing praises, my eyes will see greatness and my ears will hear Your voice 
Your words will be embedded in my heart 
My tears will turn from those of sorrow to those of joy 

Speak to my heart Lord, speak to my soul and speak ever so sweetly in my ears... 

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