Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Look at your hands. Is there anywhere your right hand goes where your left does not follow? Is there a time where your right hand will try to lift something beyond its capacity where the left hand will not come in handy? At times its like your left hand is not there but it is, especially when you need it most. Just like God. He's the left hand and we stand as our right hand, handling things, carrying things but we tend to forget that the left hand is also there to help. There are times when we feel by ourselves even though we are surrounded by many. However, God is there like your left hand is. He's there to help, there to carry those things that are too heavy to carry alone and simply just to be your companion. He may not be here physically but He is always always always there when you need Him. Sometimes we just need to use our left hand (the helping hand) a little more rather than leaving it there dormant whilst our right hand is trying to do everything for itself. We need to acknowledge God just a little bit more and then we will find that He never left us but in effect we left Him out...

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