Tuesday 30 November 2010

Proverbs 18:21...

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, 
And those who love it will eat its fruit. 
Proverbs 18:21

Powerful. In simple terms we possess the power to speak life and death. Incredible. Whatever we use our tongues to say will surely come to pass. If you say that you are going to fail, then surely, you will fail. However, if we say that we will prosper, then surely, we will prosper according to scripture.

With this power that we posses, we need to be careful of what we use our tongues to say. Like the saying goes, say what you mean and mean what you say. What am i getting at? When you speak life (anything positive), be ready to receive your rewards and your blessings BUT when you speak death (anything negative), be ready to bear the consequences. Simple. Once we have the knowledge of the power we possess we become liable for all that we say.

Prayer. WOOOOW! That act carries so much power. The act of prayer ushers in the Holy Spirit and brings about a communication from here on earth to Heaven above. With prayer we can make our requests known to God. Going back to what we say and its effect, when we pray, please believe that whatever you pray for, if its in line with God's will, it will surely come to pass. If you pray for God to break you, believe He will. If you pray for God to use you, trust me He will. So, when you pray, say what you mean and mean what you say because God will surprise u beyond your own expectations. Trust me, I'm a living testimony...

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