Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Sin leads on to more sin...

2 Samuel 11 

In this scripture we see how one sin that David committed led onto more sin. David was a King who sent out his servants to fight all his battles and then one day he decided to go to the rooftop and look out. As he was there he saw a woman too beautiful for description and he lusted after her. (Sin number 1) He made the relevant enquiries about her, found out she was married but still ordered her to be sent to him. She came and he slept with her. (Sin 2 and 3) Further on in the scripture David sends Joab to put Uriah (the woman’s husband) on the frontline of the hottest battle so that he could die, Joab did as he was told and Uriah died. (Sin 4) 

Just reading that makes it clear that one little sin could lead onto a major sin if not careful. David followed his fleshly desires which made him carry out acts which would have never happened if he didn’t lust after the woman. God says we shouldn’t sin for a reason...they lead onto more sin, it’s almost like a vicious cycle that can only get worse rather than better. Little sins we commit such as lying, may seem little at the time but as time goes on we find that we continue to lie just to uphold the first lie. It’s pointless and a waste of time so let’s try and think about the repercussions of behaving a certain way and weigh up the pros and cons...when it comes to sin, there are no pros anyway! 

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